______________________________________________Volume 1 #2 Editor:
Ginny Schalm Spring 1998


THE SCHALM CONNECTION is a tri-annual genealogy publication of those interested in the quest of connecting the SCHALM families of the world. Articles may be submitted by e-mail to or in care of the editor to the address given on the cover. Due dates are Dec. 1 for the Winter issue, Mar. 1 for the Spring issue and Sept. 1 for the Summer/Fall issue. Subscription rates for 3 years will be $7/USA, $9/Canada & $12 for over seas and free to any library that wishes to receive it.


100 Year Celebration By Ginny SCHALM

On August 14, 1898 the newly graduated Rev. William Theodore SCHALM was ordained and installed at Trinity Lutheran Church in Onekama, MI USA. Wm T. was baptized and confirmed at what is now called Historic Trinity Lutheran Church in Detroit, MI. As a promising student he went on to high school and college at Concordia in Fort Wayne, IN and later to the MO Synod Lutheran Seminary in St. Louis, MO - all in the USA.

Rev. SCHALM was the first full time pastor to serve the church in Onekama. He started out his ministry as a bachelor, but was quickly convinced by his intended (so I am told) that he needed a wife in the far North. Marie Carolyn Elizabeth REHN, the daughter of a Lutheran Pastor-the Rev. Adam REHN, and he were married in July of 1999. Their first son was born in this Manistee Co. home. In 1903 Pastor SCHALM took a call to Trinity Lutheran Church in Sturgis, MI where he served until his retirement in 1949. The biography feature in this issue is a companion article to this and has more interesting details about his life.

As part of a year long 110 year anniversary celebration Trinity in Onekama is culminating the events with a service to honor their first pastor on Aug. 16, 1998. The service is at 10:30 AM. All are welcome. Anyone who wishes to attend may. We'll eat out somewhere in the area afterwards. The altar flowers will be placed by the family that day for this 100th anniversary of the ordination and installation of Rev. William T. SCHALM. I have been asked to consult on a Biblical Garden to be planted at the church in his honor with the first section to be deicated on Aug. 16, 1998. We honor thee in prayer, plant, praise and song!!!

Ginny SCHALM/Alfred C/William T/Michael/Wilhelm

William Theodore SCHALM/Michael/Wilhelm

Marie Carolyn Elizabeth REHN spouse of William T SCHALM/Adam REHN/ Adam REHN



I have been asked to furnish some biographical material for my Father who was the eldest child and first son of Michael SCHALM and Johanna Emilia MARQUARDT - identified as part of the Mount Clemens Branch in Michigan. This comes about because I am the youngest and only living member of his five children.

We always celebrated his birthday on July 12th, but there was some controversy about the actual date. I think this came about because in official records (church or court house) it was recorcded as July 20th or 21st. His Mother said the correct date was July 12th, and my Mother said, "His Mother ought to know when her first child was born!" I don't know whether or not the "incorrect" record was ever changed. The year was 1875, and of that we are sure.

His early education took place in the Lutheran parochial school in Detroit. The record of his baptism and confirmation is in Historic Trinity Lutheran Church records. The family was living in Detroit at the time. Apparently, the teacher and the pastor recognized that William T. had a good mind for academic pursuits, and the pastor suggested to his parents that the boy would be a good candidate for the Holy Ministry. Now at that time, at least, such a suggestion was a distinct honor, and it was in keeping with the Biblical practice of dedicating "first fruits" to the Lord. So there was no objection on the part of his parents. It must have entailed a great sacrifice on their part, because they were truck farmers in the Detroit area, and no doubt were depending upon this eldest son to be a helping hand in the family livelihood. There were other children by this time, but he was the most ready to be a good helper because he was a very early teenager.

At any rate, it was the custonm to furnish the higher education (today equivalent to middle school and high school) at Fort Wayne, IN, for those preparing for the ministry. I have often wondered what it must have been like for him to leave his six brothers and sisters and his parents and enroll in prep school so far away from home (that WAS far in those days-200 miles). He never returned to live at home, except for vacation periods. After Ft. Wayne, there were more years at the Lutheran Seminary in St. Louis, MO. He graduated from there in 1898, was ordained into the Holy Ministry and assigned to Onekama, MI, to be the Pastor and Teacher in the new parochial school! He "batched" it for one year, and in the summer of 1899 was united in marriage to Marie Carolyn Elizabeth REHN whose Father was a pastor in Waldenberg, MI.

The young couple returned to Onekama and remained there for another four years. It is told that his salary was a house to live in and $75 every three months plus whatever farm produce the members of the congregation could provide. Although money was scarce, the parishioners were generous with what they could spare--at one time so many eggs that my parents had to preserve them buried in salt! A call came from Sturgis, MI, which is about as far south in the state as one can get at three miles from the borderline with IN. And that is where he served for 45 years and where we children grew up. He retired when he had been in the ministry for 50 years, and they moved to Kalamazoo, MI to be near me, my husband Ted ROEKLE, and our two boys Phillip and David ROEKLE.

Now, it would be quite natural to ask, "What knd of a pastor was he?" After all, the choice was more or less made for him by parents and pastor. I don't know whether his behavior as a young boy gave his pastor any indication that the boy had a "burning desire" or "call" to serve his Lord in that manner, I cannot speak to that. But I can attest that he was an excellent pastor, and that he took the Word of God very seriously. The people of the congregation respected him and loved him, and during 45 years in Sturgis, he had baptized, confirmed, performed marriages even into second, third and fourth generations. That was one of the reasons that my Mother thought it best not to remain in Sturgis after retirement, because she knew that people would continue to have him officiate at the rites of passage in their families, and she thought that would be unfair to the pastor wlho followed him.

The life of a pastor's family had many blessings, but an adequate salary was not one of them. The congregation furnished the house rent free, but the only utilities they covered were the water and the telephone. The former because the meter served both properties, and the latter because he said he didn't need it, he could walk to whereever he needed to go to fill congregational needs! We children were not to use the telephone, except in an emergency, because it was there for congregational use. And we seldom did!

Money was a scarce commodity. There were many farmers yet in those days, and they usually shared, expecially when they had butchered. And my Father always had a huge vegetable garden as well as many beautiful flowers. We never went hungry, but there were no luxuries nor "frills".

Another question that naturally arises is, "What kind of a Father was he?" After all, his experiences as a family member ended in early youth. The answer to that question depends much on who is giving the answer. I, Olga Marie SCHALM ROEKLE born 14 June 1913, idolized him, and have many fond memories of our relationship. Margaretha Lousia SCHALM, his second child, born 8 May 1904, adored him also. He believed the Biblical injunction that a "Bishop (pastor) should be master of his own household", and he was that, indeed. Rules were strict and infractions purnished. My brothers felt the brunt of this, because two Alfred Carl Frederick SCHALM born 10 Jan., 1908 and Oscar William SCHALM born 27 Aug., 1909, were only 18 months apart in age, and they often got into "mischief" together. The only real criticizm I might make is that the times he could spare to give of himself to his family were few, particularly in the case of the boys. His first son, Paul August born 15 April, 1901, was not allowed to join the Boy Scouts of America because at the time, the "oath" conflicted wtih the theology of the MO Synod Lutheran Church. However, he did make it a point to satisfy himself that it was perfectly okay, from a theological point of view, for the two younger boys to join the Boy Scouts, and that was most beneficial in their training. They both became Eagle Scouts and later leaders themselves. We all were encouraged to get a good education, and we did. All five children put themselves through college and then started on to graduate school.

I could go on and on about growing up in a parsonage, but this is enough for now. We all grew up to live past the "three score and ten" that the Bible talks about, with faith intact.

Theodore ROEKLE spouse of Olga SCHALM ROEKLE/William/Michael/Wilhelm

Paul A SCHALM/William T/Michael/Wilhelm

Alfred C SCHALM/William T/Michael/Wilhelm

Oscar W SCHALM/William T/Michael/Wilhelm

Margaretha SCHALM/William T/Michael/Wilhelm

William Theodore SCHALM/Michael/Wilhelm

Marie Carolyn Elizabeth REHN spouse of William T SCHALM/Adam REHN/ Adam REHN/

Phillip ROEKLE/Olga SCHALM/William T/Michael/Wilhelm

David ROEKLE/Olga SCHALM/William T/Michael/Wilhelm

REUNION MAY 17, 1998!!!!!

The Mt. Clemens Branch is having a reunion. Come one and come all!!! Yes, we want to see everyone we haven't seen in years and to meet all those who can come from other branches. After much searching for a location it is at Ginny SCHALM's house--I am madly trying to shovel looms etc so people will fit. Everyone pray for good weather!!! May 17, 1998 from 1 to 5 PM.

BRING: Yourself and all relatives, pot luck dish and receipe (if you can't manage this just come-everyone else bring lots), a lawn chair, camera, old pictures, any genealogy stuff, completed charts from the back of the newsletter and anything else you think people might like to look at. The most important thing on the list to bring is YOU!!!

The address is on the back label. The phone # is 248-435-8618 and is unlisted so bring it with you (I'll be at a wedding on Sat).

Directions: Find a map of MI - Southeast detail if possible. Clawson is North of Detroit. I am bounded by the larger square of I-75 and Woodward and M-59 and I-696. Take one of those, if construction allows, to the smaller square bounded by Crooks and Livernois (called Main St here in Royal Oak and Clawson) and 14 Mile and 15 Mile.

I am 2 blocks North of 14 Mile and 2 blocks East of Crooks. It is a large white house with lots of trees at the fork in the road.. Pull in the drive to drop off people and things and we can see that you are shuttled to the Schalm School parking lot a couple blocks away if parking is tight. Most of the drive will be for sitting, eating and talking.


Ginny SCHALM/Afred C/William T/Michael/Wilhelm


I got notes from people who were born or lived all over the place--Holland, AZ, the Midwest, US East Coast, Brazil, Canada, FL. I sent out nearly 100 copies of our first issue to SCHALM people and another 30 or more to libraries. Here are a few comments about our first issue of the SCHALM newsletter:

'Great newsletter.' 'It was a shock to hear that there are other Schalm's living in the United States that some how that I am related to. For all my life I thought that my family was the only Schalm's around.' 'We have read your first volume of the Schalm Connection and would love to subscribe - and participate!' 'I'm sort of overwhelmed by your first issue of OUR paper! How did you ever manage to type all of that? (one handed)' '...received the inaugrual copy of "the Schalm Connection"...super job.'

'I am of the opinion that asking for a 3 yr subscription may be too long a time span and your suggested rate for 3 yrs is too low! Think about all the costs that are involved; and you should not assume the expense.' 'You've done a wonderful job in putting this together, but you will need some help over time. Hopefully, there will be people whose interest is intense enough that they will come forward with ideas and offers of help and donations.'

'I recieved a correspondence from you a few weeks ago and I was very incredulous about its veracity and to my surprise, while searching on AOL members profiles, I found several names that you mentioned in your (news) letter. I am still shocked because 'til I heard from you and the family history, my side of the family thought we were the only Schalm's left on the face of the earth.'

We are all over the MAP!!!!!!! Let's keep finding each other!

Library Connection

THE SCHALM CONNECTION is being sent to the top genealogy centers in the USA. I'm trying to figure out which libraries in Germany have genealogy sections and should be sent newsletters as well. It would be good to have a copy of the newsletter anywhere and everywhere there are SCHALMs. There are SCHALMs where you live. YOU!!! To preserve our history as a family there needs to be a copy of our newsletter at your local library, and in the next bigger town, the biggest town a ways away yet, your state library and/or the historical and genealogy societies for all these locations. You know where these are or can find them out. Make a few copies of the newsletter and send them off. Find out which libraries in your county have genealogy sections and just drop off a copy of THE SCHALM CONNECTION as you drive by someday. You may even want to give them a folder to keep things in. This is your history.

The idea is to get a copy of the newsletter in any and every library, historical society and genealogy group in any part of the world where SCHALMs have been, are now or where they will be in the future. You are the key here at the local level. You know the areas that your family have been in, so see that those areas get copies. In MI I have sent copies to Clawson, Farmington, Mt. Clemens, Sturgis, Detroit. Birmingham and the State Library of MI turned us down. I am debating which libraries in Benzie Co. to send to. My local library was able to send several of these via interlibrary means.

If you have misplaced your first issue either borrow one or ask for another copy. If you want the me to send something to a particular library get me the name and address. It would be good to actually have a list of all the places that you give a copy to indicating whether you are going to see that a copy gets there or whether one should be sent in the mail directly to them. We want to BE on the map!!!!!!!!!

German Lesson


ALL for you know this. What are these German words?

Das Vaterunser

Vater unser, der du bist im Himmel

Geheiliget werde dein Name

Dein Reich komme

Dein Wille geschehe, wie im Himmel, also auch auf Erden

Unser taeglich Brot gib uns heute

Und vergib uns unsere Schuld, als wir vergeben unsern Schuldigern

Und fuehre uns nicht in Versuchung

Sondern erloese uns von dem Uebel

Denn dein ist das Reich, und die Kraft une die Herrlichkeit in

Ewigkeit. Amen

This is the Lord's Prayer, Matthew 6:9-13.

Olga SCHALM ROEKLE/William T/Michael/Wilhelm

Phone Book Project

A SCHALM phone book. What a great idea!! You know that there has not been anymore room in the 'S' section of your address book for YEARS. Well, a SCHALM phone book would help with this problem.

This would be a book much like the old city directories. Besides the name, address and phone number it would list the email address, occupation, spouse, children's names and all birth dates. (And, I guess anything else you would like by your name.) Be sure to give me 2nd or 3rd addresses if you have such and tell me what branch you are in or give me your line--something so that we have a reference.

To do this I need this information. So, sit down right now and send this information to me. It will only take you a few min. and it will be a very useful book for all of us. If you guys speed this information to me we could have this by Christmas......

In the meantime, being realistic, we'll start small with just the list of names, addresses and maybe phone # in the Fall issue. If you have any comments let me know.


A group from my church is going to the Passion Play in Oberammergau, Germany June 28 - July 1, 2000. Some in my branch of the family have talked about doing this together with a pretrip to parts of Germany that our anncesters are from. That would be fun. Just think - a bunch of SCHALMs all hanging out of a mini van saying, 'Oh I bet they walked by that river." This will take some research, but we have 2 years.

The church group is offering the option of cruising down the Danube afterwards. That starts at $3000 with a deposit of $400. If you are interested call Joan Bowes from my church 248-646-4181 at Wagner Village Travel in Birmingham, MI. She needs to book the Passion Play in early May. It is $800 plus air and a few meals. The deposit is $300-$100 is non-refundable.

Think about this. It would be fun to do with family.


I have lots of stuff that I wanted to put in, that I can't fit in for a variety of reasons--be patient. I'll try to get as much as possible in the newsletter. I do need nice big chunky articles like the bio piece my Aunt wrote about her Father. So if you want to see a big piece about so in so, write something.

We past my $20 volunteer dollars on the first issue. I also decided that it is a lot easier and cheaper for each of you to find a folder to keep the newsletters in rather than my trying to make a cute cover on a folder and sending it to everyone.

To save space I will not always put my name either as a by line or the family line.

My healing broken wrist is slowing me down and throwing in stray letters; coupled with my unprogreessive, but upgraded wordprossing, I'm behind-until next century.

Future stories: SCHALMs in the news, in sports, in education, things named after..., books by..., who graduated, food--send any and all infomation you can think of...

What does SCHALM mean? Send all the stories, meanings & info. you've heard of...


In our first issue we idenifitied 6 SCHALM branches: Canada, Chicago, East Coast, Germany, Mt. Clemens, and Utah. Well, we a have another! Let me introduce you to:


Allow me to tell you a little about myself. I was born in Brazil, March 1, 1962, to Edmund SCHALM & Ilse Ida SCHULZ-SCHALM, in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State, the southernmost State of Brazil, which borders with Uruguay, Argentine and Paraguay. My Father, Edmund SCHALM, born in Brazil, is the son of Siegmund SCHALM & Elsa SCHWARZ SCHALM. They died when he was about six yrs old leaving all the kids, 4 boys & 3 girls, dispersed to the homes of friends & relatives. I remember my Father telling me about my Grandpa's sister that had passed away & she was the last relative linking our branch to the preeceding generation.

In 1987, after a failed atempt in 1981, I decided to pack up my things, actually my whole life & took a plane to the United States, with only 1 far relative to contact in the State of NJ, who was in the States a few months to resolve a few business matters. I met this wonderfull girl in New Jersey, also from a Brazil German family KAISER-METZLER. We got married one year later & now have two beautiful girls called Julie (6) & Emily (4). I have 4 sisters that live in Brazil, Elizabeth, Margareth, Miriam & Patricia, all married but the last one.

It's been 11 years now & I have moved to Florida where the newsletter found me. I would appreciate to hear from you & meanwhile I will try to gather more info.

? KAISER-METZLER spouse of Edson SCHALM/Edmund/Siegmund

Elizabeth SCHALM/Edmund/Siegmund

Margareth SCHALM/Edmund/Siegmund

Miriam SCHALM/Edmund/Siegmund

Patricia SCHALM/Edmund/Siegmund

Julie SCHALM/Edson/Edmund/Siegmund

Emily SCHALM/Edson/Edmund/ Siegmund

Elsa SCHWARZ spouse of Siegmund SCHALM

Ilse Ida SCHULZ SCHALM spouse of Edmund SCHALM/Siegmund


When Wedding Bells Rang On 6 Sept 1996 East Coaster, Paul J. SCHALM IV married Maryann DIXON. They are making their home in Lanexa, VA. Best Wishes for a long and healthy life together!!!

First child of 1998 The East Coast branch Kris ERTLEY McCARTHY is happy to announce the birth of her second child. Alexander Lee MCCARTHY was born 5 JAN 1998. He weighed in at 9lbs. 14 oz. His Grandma Carole SCHALM ERTLEY reports, "He looks like the SCHALM side of the family, big and very fair." All are well. Welcome to the world Alex!!!

Sister too Not to be out done by this new baby brother, Courtney Elizabeth McCARTHY is 22 months old and soon to be two. We all hope you are a 'terriffic' two!!!

Maryann DIXON spouse of Paul J SCHALM IV/Paul J III/Paul Jr/Paul etc

Alexander Lee McCARTHY/Kris ERTLEY /Carole SCHALM ERTLEY/Paul Jr/Paul etc

Courtney Elizabeth McCARTHY/Kris ERTLEY/Carole SCHALM/Paul Jr/Paul etc

Carole SCHALM ERTLEY/Paul Jr/Paul etc


Spry at Ninety Laura ROSSOW CHRIST-MAN will celebrate her 90th birthday. She was born to Amelia SCHALM and Wilhelm ROSSOW of the Mt. Clemens branch on 20 May 1908. Her go go go lifestyle keeps her strong. Happy Birthday Laura!!!

Laura ROSSOW CHRISTMAN/Amelia SCHALM/Michael/Wilhelm FILL IN THE FAMILY QUESTIONNAIRE On page 7 is a Family Questionnaire to be filled out & brought to the Mt Clemens SCHALM reunion or your branch reunion or sent to me or whoever is keeping the genealogy in your branch. We are gathering genealogy information so that we may write a book for ourselves with a bio about every SCHALM in the world. How did you do in filling out the ancestor chart in first issue? This one is easier--it is all about you. You know this information better than anyone else. So, make a copy of the family Questionnaire and start filling it in.....THANKS!!!

Surname Index

DIXON SCHALM, Maryann... 6
ERTLEY, Carole SCHALM... 6
ERTLEY McCARTHY, Kristine... 6
McCARTHY, Alexander... 6
McCARTHY, Courtney... 6
McCARTHY, Kristine ERTLEY... 6
REHN, Adam... 1,2
REHN SCHALM, Marie... 1,2
ROEKLE, David... 2
ROEKLE, Olga SCHALM... 1,2,5
ROEKLE, Phillip... 2
ROEKLE, Theodore... 2
ROSSOW, Amelia SCHALM... 6
ROSSOW, Wilhelm... 6
SCHALM, Alfred C... 2
SCHALM, Amelia ROSSOW... 6
SCHALM ERTLEY, Carole... 6
SCHALM, Edmund... 6
SCHALM, Edson... 6
SCHALM, Elizabeth... 6
SCHALM, Emily... 6
SCHALM, Ginny.... 1,2,3,4,5,6
SCHALM, Julie... 6
SCHALM, Margareth... 6
SCHALM, Margaretha... 2
SCHALM, Marie REHN... 1,2
SCHALM, Michael... 1,2,3,4,5,6
SCHALM, Miriam... 6
SCHALM ROEKLE, Olga... 1,2, 5
SCHALM, Oscar... 2
SCHALM, Patricia... 6
SCHALM, Paul-Mt Clemens... 6
SCHALM, Paul-East Coast... 6 SCHALM, Paul, Jr... 6
SCHALM, Paul, III... 6
SCHALM, Paul, IV... 6
SCHALM, Siegmund... 6
SCHALM, William T... 1,2,3,4,5,6
SCHALM, Wilhelm-Mt Clemens... 1,2,3,4,5,6
SCHULZ SCHALM, Ilse Ida... 6
THE SCHALM CONNECTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1-2 Spring
1998 Contents 100 YEAR CELEBRATION..... 1
BIOGRAPHY: William Theodore SCHALM 1875--1952..... 2
REUNION MAY 17, 1998..... 3
On the Map--Recap..... 4
Library Connection..... 4
German Lesson..... 5
Phone Book Project..... 5
Oberammergau 2000..... 5
Editor's Notes..... 5
The Branches... 6
Happy Stats... 6
Fill in the Family Questionnaire... 8
Blank Family Questionaire Chart... 7
Surname Index... 8
Contents... 8

from: THE SCHALM CONNECTION 1046 West Selfridge Blvd. Clawson, MI 48017-1338 USA TO: If you have enjoyed this version of THE SCHALM CONNECTION on line, please drop us an email at